549 research outputs found

    Historical Evolution of theWave Resource and Energy Production off the Chilean Coast over the 20th Century

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    The wave energy resource in the Chilean coast shows particularly profitable characteristics for wave energy production, with relatively high mean wave power and low inter-annual resource variability. This combination is as interesting as unusual, since high energetic locations are usually also highly variable, such as the west coast of Ireland. Long-term wave resource variations are also an important aspect when designing wave energy converters (WECs), which are often neglected in resource assessment. The present paper studies the long-term resource variability of the Chilean coast, dividing the 20th century into five do-decades and analysing the variations between the different do-decades. To that end, the ERA20C reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is calibrated versus the ERA-Interim reanalysis and validated against buoy measurements collected in different points of the Chilean coast. Historical resource variations off the Chilean coast are compared to resource variations off the west coast in Ireland, showing a significantly more consistent wave resource. In addition, the impact of historical wave resource variations on a realistic WEC, similar to the Corpower device, is studied, comparing the results to those obtained off the west coast of Ireland. The annual power production off the Chilean coast is demonstrated to be remarkably more regular over the 20th century, with variations of just 1% between the different do-decades.The authors with the Centre for Ocean Energy Research in Maynooth University are supported by Science Foundation Ireland under Grant No. 13/IA/1886. It is also supported by grant CGL2016-76561-R, MINECO/ERDF, UE. Additional funding was received from the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU, GIU17/002)

    Diagnóstico del estado actual de la red de ciclo rutas delimitada entre las zonas de Bosa, Las Margaritas, Av. Ciudad de Villavicencio, intersección con Auto Sur y Ciudad Bolívar

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl objetivo de esta investigación es realizar el diagnóstico del estado superficial de un tramo de ciclo-ruta entre Bosa y Ciudad Bolívar para lo cual se utiliza la resolución IDU 2315 del 23 de julio de 2010 para el diagnóstico de pavimentos y se genera unas series de parámetros para evaluar la señalización. A su vez se realizó registro fotográfico del tramo analizado y calificación de fallas para generar un diagnostico fiable y pegado a la norma.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Learning the Science Behind Bacteriocins Through Lacticin 3147; a Promising Lantibiotic

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    As microorganisms continue to develop resistance and survive against many different forms of antimicrobial solutions, such as antibiotics, the threat that antimicrobial resistance poses grows considerably. One solution to this persistent issue could be bacteriocins: ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides that are synthesized by bacteria. In this study, the specific lantibiotic—a subclass of bacteriocin—used was lacticin 3147, which is comprised of two components: A1 and A2. Lacticin 3147 was first purified and isolated in order to properly analyze its antimicrobial effects, which show potential use in antibiotics or food preservation. The procedure started with growing the producer bacteria strain, Lactococcus lactis DPC 3147 in a broth which was later used to inoculate a large volume of media. This media was then separated through centrifugation into two components: the supernatant and cell pellet, both of which were each individually concentrated and purified through a series of columns. Approximately one milliliter of each component was run through a High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) machine, and the resulting chromatograms interpreted to evaluate and compare the concentrations of lacticin 3147 produced in the liquid media portion (supernatant) and the cell components (cell pellet). Subsequently, fractions were collected from all runs from the HPLC and further subjected to Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight (MALDI TOF) mass spectrometry. This allows to test the molecular weights of the compounds in the samples to check if they aligned with the known molecular weights of both the A1 and A2 components of lacticin 3147. The final step was to prepare a spot on lawn assay using the indicator species: Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris HP.  The spot on lawn assay prepared for lacticin 3147 was a visual indicator of the strong antimicrobial effects of the bacteriocin. Ultimately, this highly effective bacteriocin, lacticin 3147, could be utilized in smaller  concentrations than current antibiotics, and thus shows great promise in the field of antibiotics. Further studies are being conducted to understand the interactions between the A1 and A2 components of lacticin 3147, including their synergistic effects


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    Objetivo: determinarla correlación entre la eficacia de la gestión administrativa y la percepción integral de los resultados en los procesos administrativos disciplinarios en la UGEL San Román - Región Puno, año 2011, desde la perspectiva de los operadores administrativos, funcionarios y servidores que laboraron en la Comisión de Procesos Administrativos Disciplinarios. La "eficacia de la gestión administrativa" -procesos administrativos- concibe cuatro dimensiones: planeamiento, organización, dirección y control; y la "Percepción integral de la gestión en los procesos administrativos disciplinarios", se identifica en cinco escalas. Material y métodos: investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva -correlacional de estudio ex post facto y transversal en virtud de la perspectiva de ocurrencia del fenómeno estudiado, se vale del método científico y se ha trabajado con una muestra de 10 operadores administrativos. Resultados: la eficacia de la gestión administrativa de los procesos administrativos y la percepción de los propios operadores administrativos en la oficina de Procesos Administrativos Disciplinarios en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local de San Román, año 2011, fue insuficiente, sin embargo, las dimensiones de los procesos administrativos se encuentran correlacionadas de manera positiva, asimismo, con la percepción integral de los resultados en la gestión de los Procesos Administrativos Disciplinarios

    Implementation of a new classification algorithm in the R language.

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Curso 2021/2022.En los últimos años las mejoras en infraestructura urbana que se ha realizado en Madrid Central, junto con la nueva normativa de cierre al tráfico rodado ha propiciado la afluencia de peatones, principalmente en lo meses de verano, lo que ocasiona una serie de problemas en aquellas zonas donde no se prevé aglomeraciones debido a que no están dotadas estructuralmente para ello. Por ende se propone la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de clasificación basado en la fusión de K-MEANS y Hierarchical clustering que nos permita conocer que calles comparten un promedio de peatones similar en el periodo vacacional, así, de este modo se puede aplicar mejoras urbanas basándonos en la clasificación generada en aquellas zonas con mayor número de peatones.Nowadays the improvements in urban infrastructure that has been made in Madrid Central, along with the new regulations for closing to road traffic has led to the influx of walkers, mainly in the summer months, which causes a number of problems in those areas where agglomerations are not expected because they are not structurally equipped for it. Therefore, we propose the implementation of a new classification algorithm based on the fusion of K-MEANS and Hierarchical clustering that allows us to know which streets share a similar average number of pedestrians in the holiday period, besides in this way we can apply urban improvements based on the classification generated in those areas with the highest number of walkers.Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Evaluación de estrategias de movilidad sostenibles para la implementación de sistemas integrados de transporte masivo en América Latina y el Caribe

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    RESUMEN : El objetivo de la presente monografía es realizar la evaluación de estrategias de movilidad sostenibles para lograr la implementación de sistemas integrados de transporte masivo en América Latina y el Caribe, como una respuesta del Estado a solucionar las necesidades, problemas principales y carencias de movilidad en los diferentes territorios. Por tal razón, hace un aporte metodológico al realizar una revisión bibliográfica de las estrategias de movilidad sostenibles para la implementación de sistemas de transporte masivo en América Latina y el Caribe permitiendo identificar en el estado del arte los sistemas integrados de transportes masivos sostenibles, Verificando los elementos que promueven o limitan la implementación de los sistemas integrados de transporte masivos e identificar el cumplimiento de los criterios de los componentes de la movilidad sostenible (ambiental, Social y económico) permite determinar el éxito o fracaso de los sistemas integrados de transporte masivo. Para lograr estos resultados, se implementó la metodología de Investigación cualitativa, que de una forma multidisciplinaria permite acercarse al conocimiento de la realidad social mediante la recopilación de información y datos científicos, evidencias y antecedentes un tema en específico por medio del rastreo bibliográfico. Los resultados de esta monografía buscan que se convierta en un insumo para la formulación de propuestas de estrategias asertivas de planeación para los programas y proyectos futuros de sistemas integrados de transporte masivos que integren los componentes de sostenibilidad ambiental, social y económica, para así, alcanzar una movilidad sostenible en los diferentes territorios de América Latina y el Caribe.ABSTRACT : the objective of this monograph is to evaluate sustainable mobility strategies to achieve the implementation of integrated mass transport systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, as a response by the State to solve the needs, main problems and deficiencies of mobility in the different territories. For this reason, it makes a methodological contribution by carrying out a bibliographic review of sustainable mobility strategies for the implementation of mass transport systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, allowing the identification of sustainable integrated mass transport systems in the state of the art. Verifying the elements that promote or limit the implementation of integrated mass transport systems and identifying compliance with the criteria of the components of sustainable mobility (environmental, social and economic) allows to determine the success or failure of integrated mass transport systems. To achieve these results, the qualitative research methodology was implemented, which in a multidisciplinary way allows to approach the knowledge of the social reality through the collection of information and scientific data, evidence and background on a specific topic through literature tracking. The results of this monograph seek to become an input for the formulation of proposals for assertive planning strategies for future programs and projects of integrated mass transport systems that integrate the components of environmental, social and economic sustainability, in order to achieve sustainable mobility in the different territories of Latin America and the Caribbean

    Discrete Nondeterministic Modeling of the Fas Pathway

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    Abstract: Computer modeling of molecular signaling cascades can provide useful insight into the underlying complexities of biological systems. We present a refined approach for the discrete modeling of protein interactions within the environment of a single cell. The technique we offer utilizes the Membrane Systems paradigm which, due to its hierarchical structure, lends itself readily to mimic the behavior of cells. Since our approach is nondeterministic and discrete, it provides an interesting contrast to the standard deterministic ordinary differential equations techniques. We argue that our approach may outperform ordinary differential equations when modeling systems with relatively low numbers of molecules – a frequent occurrence in cellular signaling cascades. Refinements over our previous modeling efforts include the addition of nondeterminism for handling reaction competition over limited reactants, increased efficiency in the storing and sorting of reaction waiting times, and modifications of the model reactions. Results of our discrete simulation of the type I and type II Fas-mediated apoptotic signaling cascade are illustrated and compared with two approaches: one based on ordinary differential equations and another based on the well-known Gillespie algorithm

    Phage-inducible chromosomal islands promote genetic variability by blocking phage reproduction and protecting transductants from phage lysis

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    Funding: This work was supported by the following grants awarded to JPR: MR/M003876/1, MR/S00940X/1 and MR/V000772/1 from the Medical Research Council (MRC, UK; https://mrc.ukri.org); BB/N002873/1, BB/S003835/1 and BB/V002376/1 from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, UK; https://bbsrc.ukri.org); 201531/Z/16/Z from the Wellcome Trust (https://wellcome.org).Phage-inducible chromosomal islands (PICIs) are a widespread family of highly mobile genetic elements that disseminate virulence and toxin genes among bacterial populations. Since their life cycle involves induction by helper phages, they are important players in phage evolution and ecology. PICIs can interfere with the lifecycle of their helper phages at different stages resulting frequently in reduced phage production after infection of a PICI-containing strain. Since phage defense systems have been recently shown to be beneficial for the acquisition of exogenous DNA via horizontal gene transfer, we hypothesized that PICIs could provide a similar benefit to their hosts and tested the impact of PICIs in recipient strains on host cell viability, phage propagation and transfer of genetic material. Here we report an important role for PICIs in bacterial evolution by promoting the survival of phage-mediated transductants of chromosomal or plasmid DNA. The presence of PICIs generates favorable conditions for population diversification and the inheritance of genetic material being transferred, such as antibiotic resistance and virulence genes. Our results show that by interfering with phage reproduction, PICIs can protect the bacterial population from phage attack, increasing the overall survival of the bacterial population as well as the transduced cells. Moreover, our results also demonstrate that PICIs reduce the frequency of lysogenization after temperate phage infection, creating a more genetically diverse bacterial population with increased bet-hedging opportunities to adapt to new niches. In summary, our results identify a new role for the PICIs and highlight them as important drivers of bacterial evolution.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe